2023 Participants

2023 Participants

  • Austin Palozzi

    “Peace and Love to me is simply seeing others around you smile. I want the little things that others and I can do to bring happiness, love, and unity to everyone.”

  • Nick Capostagno

    “Peace and Love to me is about community and communal outreach. I’ve seen so much division and hate recently and I think we forget that humans thrive on coming together and creating a sense of community.”

  • Emily Ayer

    “Peace and love to me means spending time with the ones I love deeply. My grandpa was my sense of peace, he was my sense of love, my heart, my everything.”

  • David Cowles

    “I've always looked at the Beatles as my sort pf creative guiding light. And since "Peace and love" is pretty much all he says these days, I went with Ringo.”

  • Wockinese

    "Peace & Love Means & Are the 2 Keys to living a pure life. As a 17 year old musical artist, I’ve also dived deep into learning the human experience & I’ve learned that love is life & life is love.”

  • Amanda Kessler

    "Everything in life is motivated by peace and love. There is no peace without love. Peace needs love, and love needs to be balanced.”

  • Lanni Maszerowski

    “Peace and love is understanding the connections between all humans. When the world is divided, peace and love unite us. When a person is divided, peace and love center us.”

  • ava Speidel

    “I was raised on the fundamental values of Peace and Love. To me they come from an inner self and in order to see or receive peace and love in the world you first have to give it out. Together we all can give a little out each day to see the change making the world a better place.”


    “Peace; A calmness at your core that feels more solid than the earth. And "love" is so dynamic that the logical brain has never quite figured out how to describe with the right words, but doesn't stop us from trying.”

  • Brenna Riley

    “Peace and love to me means developing a healthy relationship with one’s self. Fully embracing who you are, then being able to help others find that peace and love within them as well. Peace and love is contagious…it starts from within then blooms all around.”

  • Cameron pagano

    “In a world with so much hatred, let art show you peace and love.”

  • Richard B Colón

    “Peace and love are dependent upon each-other . They cannot exist without the other. The motivation behind Love and and Peace is such in integral part of the energy of acceptance. If only we all were able to absorb peace and love in all of our daily manifestations…”

  • Molly Rivera

    “Peace and love to me, means having a deep inner knowing that I'm not responsible for saving the world, I can rest into it. I can trust that things are flowing the way that they need to, that I can release my grip of control. Peace and love, to me, is the rhythm of the universe that we're all woven into.”

  • Aneliese Qualls

    “To me, peace and love is loving oneself and finding peace in the world around you despite all of the hardships. i find that art helps me find peace and love.”

  • Jason Norris

    “I think love comes from peace and peace comes from love. When we truly love one another you can let down your walls, unclench your muscles, and truly feel at peace.”

  • Jessica Nikic

    “Love is the strongest foundation for creating peace. To me love and peace means positive connections. Connections with community, family and nature.”

  • Rebecca LeFevre

    “Peace is a feeling, a state of being deep in ones core. When the external environment is full of angst and conflict, that is precisely the time to cultivate peace in oneself. Love is very similar to peace. It starts inside- warmth, compassion- but kind of magnetic. Love draws us to others, to bigger ideas, to greater things. Love grows, it spills out, it's what life is made of.”

  • Cat Budinger

    “Peace and love to me is honoring my creative visions, finding tranquility in my art, and connecting with my inner forest spirit.”

  • Ryan Tamer

    “Peace and love come with the true understanding of our similarities as humans and appreciation of our differences as individuals. When we find peace and love with one another, we find we are one.”

  • Devon Meyers

    “ When I feel the most peace and love is when I receive a hug from a loved one. There is nothing like it, you feel as though nothing in the world matters. Hugs are universal, anyone can give a hug or receive a hug. You can hug in any scenario, whether you are sad, happy, joyful, etc. I hope to convey in my artwork how powerful a hug can be.”

  • Aaron Humby

    “A choice you make to be more than yourself and be more for others. When you love others, you can find peace within yourself.”

  • Anna Vos

    “Peace and love are intertwined, I think. Peace can only truly exist when there is love! It’s not just the absence of conflict — it’s built in loving community.”

  • Kayla LaMoy

    “Peace and love is power, if we just took the time to look/hear people for the way they want to be seen I believe we could change the world and make it so much more safe and beautiful.”

  • Rob Bell

    “Peace and love is what I feel when I have my camera in my hands.”

  • Courtney Lee Hill

    “Peace and love means being able to accept persons of all creeds and backgrounds, whether by participating in or building a community with good intentions and a good heart. It means being free and expressive. Making art is where I feel most at peace, and it is my medium of love, with wordless and visually-compelling colors, and unique compositions. Peace and love, for me, is translated through my art, by nurturing my creative nature.”

  • Laura Wolanin

    “Peace and love are the most important things. To love and to be at peace are both the keys to happiness within yourself, within our community and throughout our planet.”

  • Reaghan McCann

    “Peace is calm within and outside of our community. Love is honesty and kindness and holding space for someone else.”

  • Susan Begy

    “My idea of peace and love is reflected by this quote: when you take care of yourself you take care of others, when you take care of others you take care of yourself.”

  • Kendall Koch

    “Peace and love mean when people unite together and be nice to each other. No matter who they are.”

  • Nick Koch

    “Peace and Love to me comes in large events, seeing people together all for the same reason, whether it's a concert, a car show, or at a race track. I find peace in the chaos.”

  • The morning paper

    “Peace and Love is a mindset of harmony amongst a group of people. Looking out for one another through times of constant change.”

  • Joshua Taylor

    “Peace & Love to me is an empathetic world where people treat each other with respect and kindness, and where conflicts can be resolved through dialogue and understanding.”

  • Nova

    “Being in a place with people you care about doing what it is you love to do.”

  • Samantha Symonds

    “Peace and love’ live in the tiny moments of our lives. Like making someone laugh or smile, taking the time to ask about someone’s day, smelling the fresh breeze, my cat greeting me at the door or working on a project that transcends your body and soul beyond the constraints of time. Peace and love are all around us, we just have to open our eyes.”

  • Erica Likes Alligators

    “Peace = floating in the sea. Love = a toddler’s hand on your leg, a hug from your grandma, the eyes of your partner in crime.”

  • Abby Lupi

    “Peace and love means embracing those who make us feel radiant! It means stopping when we're moving too fast. It means accepting joy and releasing anger. It's the shared goal of trying to be better than we were yesterday.”

  • Michelle L Miller

    “Community, inclusion, accessibility, and empathy all equal Peace + Love to me. Let’s be humans together in this world.”

  • Emily Collins

    “Love is the avenue through which we find peace. To me, love is a practice, rather than simply a feeling. Love prompts us to forgive, to have faith in surrender, to find value in another even through disagreement. The habits of love, when practiced over time, bring peace.”

  • Elton Ward

    “Peace and Love means to me that the "Each One, Teach One" attitude is the driving force of the community. Showing kindness and compassion to others regardless of race, educational level or age. To love you must find peace within yourself to be able to share it with another human being. They both go hand in hand.”

  • Katie Mertz

    “For me, peace and love are closely tied to the concept of community and accepting people as they are. In my paintings, I use vibrant colors, intricate shapes, and bold mark making to portray what ADHD looks like to me. Through my art, I hope to create a space where individuals with neurodivergent minds can see themselves and feel understood.”

  • Logan Champlin

    “Peace and Love are found in the connections we make, living with each other and loving each other. The way we interact with each other every day builds the foundation of a meaningful community.”

  • Emma Salter

    “Peace and love go hand in hand to me. You simply can’t have one without the other! Peace and love mean happiness, commitment, contentment and unity with ourselves and our communities.”

  • Douglas Hoyt

    “Peace and Love is sharing kindness with the people in your life, but also taking time for yourself. I think if everyone had their own comfortable space to relax, the world would be a more peaceful place.”

  • Aaron Schnittman

    “To me this is a way of living that leaves people and places improved from where you find them. Leaving a bit of yourself behind.”

  • Lauren Eddy

    “I find peace and love in my kids, they're chaos, laughs, smiles and messes brings me all the peace and I end up feeling so much love for them.”

  • Julian Trinchini

    “Ineffable... indescribable. ethereal. otherworldly. divine.”

  • Dakota Maxwell

    “Peace and Love to me means putting aside our differences and coming together to form a better community.”

  • Jason Ferguson

    “Serenity and caos.”

  • Carrie Dugan

    “Peace and Love is a sense of security and safety. It is having a feeling of comfort and freedom from being surrounded by a supportive community and environment. Peace and Love, however, is not a guarantee and is lacking for many for various reasons. We must all work to make sure everyone feels Peace and Love.”

  • Gina Horan

    “Peace - My time looking through the camera, focusing on the beauty around each of us even in the midst such busy lives. Love - Finding ways to connect within those busy lives: For me, an image bringing another person a moment of peace or happiness, connecting one person to another & cultivating relationships throughout my community. Peace & Love create communities that thrive.”

  • Ellie Koch

    “Peace & love means happiness”